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Contact Us

We would like to hear from you. If you have any comments or questions about Wendy's albums or would like a press kit or more information about Wendy or White Water Records, e-mail us at info@whitewaterrecords.com. Other contact information is provided as follows.

Record Label :

John Nelson
White Water Records
1626 E. Pikes Peak Ave
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
e-mail: info@whitewaterrecords.com
Publicity : Chuck Whiting
Whiting Publicity and Promotions
Nashville, TN
615-242-9857; e-mail: chucwhit@usit.net
Radio Promotions : Bill Wence
Bill Wence Promotions
Nashville, TN
615-776-2060; e-mail: billwencepro@earthlink.net

Daniel Johnson
Johnson Management & Media
Nashville, TN
615-480-4066; email: brownbox@bellsouth.net


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